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2021 IHP Correspondents

Like their predecessors, this year’s IHP correspondents (11 in total) will contribute to the global health policy & health systems debate and participate in setting the agenda, by sharing their ideas and opinions in the form of blogs and featured articles.

Charles Ssemugabo

Charles Ssemugabo is an Emerging Voice for Global Health Alumnus (EV 2016) and PhD student at Makerere University School of Public Health. He is a Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) and Fogarty Global Health Fellow. His research interests are mainly related to environmental exposures and their link with disease; climate change and planetary health.

Elena Vargas

EV 2014 alumna

Goran Abdulla Sabir Zangana

MBChB, MPH, MRCP (UK), MRCPE, PhD Associate Research Fellow , Middle East Research Institute.

Kaaren Mathias

Kaaren Mathias is a public health physician and is Director of Burans (with the Emmanuel Hospital Association and Uttarakhand Cluster of the Community and global health network). She is collaboratively working and researching participation, inclusion, mental health and gender in communities. She has also recently started working part time with Canterbury district health board in southern New Zealand, and is a board member of Health Systems Global.

Lara Gautier

Lara Gautier is an assistant professor at University of Montreal’s School of Public Health (ESPUM). With a training background in public health, political science and socioeconomics, she is also an adjunct professor at McGill University in Montreal, and an associate researcher at the Centre Population et Développement in Paris. Her research interests lie at the intersection of implementation science, health policy and systems research (HPSR), and migrant health.

Mehr Manzoor

Mehr Manzoor is a Fulbright Scholar from Pakistan and a Ph.D. candidate at Tulane University in the department of Health Policy and Management. Mehr’s research focuses on gender equality and women’s leadership in global health. She served as a research director at Women in Global Health from 2016-2019 as a volunteer. In 2018, Mehr was selected as an Emerging Voice for Global Health (EV4GH) program fellow.

Okiki Olu Badejo

Department of Public Health, Institute of Tropical Medicine; Department of Sociology, University of Antwerp, Belgium; APIN Public Health Initiative, Abuja, Nigeria.

Sana Contractor

Sana Contractor is a public health researcher and practitioner, with a Masters in Public Health from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (2008). She is based in India and is an EV 2016 alumnus.

Shehnaz Munshi

Shehnaz Munshi is a HPSR researcher, occupational therapist, Emerging Voice for Global Health (2018) and Senior Atlantic Fellow for Health Equity at Tekano. Currently she is the Project Manager for the Sheiham Family/Wits program on social determinants of health and health equity, School of Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand. She serves on the steering committee of the People's Health Movement. @shehnazmunshi

Sophie Vusha

EV 2013 & member of IHP editorial team

Werner Soors

Former ITM staff member