We are pleased to announce the IHP call for correspondents 2025. Each year, the International Health Policies (IHP) network issues a call for correspondents to contribute to the IHP newsletter.
The weekly IHP newsletter/digest is a flagship knowledge management activity of the IHP network, funded by the Belgian Government (DGD), providing a trusted source of curated health policy news, key global health and HPSR publications and offering a platform for blogs and articles, especially for authors from LMICs.
The network aims to boost synergies with actors and networks from across the world who share similar values, and increase the influence of scholars from the Global South on the global health policy & HPSR agenda. In times of Decolonizing Global Health and calls for a New Public Health Order (and let’s not get into the dire ‘poly/perma-crisis’ times we’re facing…), this has only become more urgent.
IHP has a special focus on empowering (and offering a platform to) young health policy and systems researchers (Emerging Voices for Global Health and others). The editorial team will work with them on finetuning their editorial/blog. For more info on IHP (network, newsletter & blogs), see the website: http://www.internationalhealthpolicies.org/
This call aims to provide opportunities to young researchers and change agents from different regions and continents (especially from the Global South) to write and publish blogs and editorials. In total, between 5 and 10 correspondents will be selected from across the world for the year 2025 through a competitive process, aiming also for a balance in terms of regional diversity, gender etc.
What is expected from an IHP correspondent?
IHP correspondents will be expected to contribute two editorials (included in the weekly newsletter) during the year 2025, either:
(1) on a health policy/system issue/reform(s) in their own country/region, or
(2) reflecting & commenting on a global health policy trend, global health governance, a recent event, buzzwords, a new report, … from their perspective.
(3) young researchers might also want to write a short article related to their (ongoing) PhD research, as long as they try to make the link with (global, regional or national) health policy.
Applicants should:
At least half of the IHP correspondents 2025 will be selected among the two most recent EV cohorts.
Interested candidates should send their 3-parts candidacy by e-mail to Min Dai ( mdai@itg.be ), as follows:
PS: Although IHP targets articles in English, correspondents who don’t feel comfortable in English but prefer to write in French or Spanish are also encouraged to apply.
We will accept applications until 15 January 2025, midnight Antwerp time.
Good luck!
The IHP editorial team