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Lance Louskieter

PhD Candidate, Health Systems and Policy Research Division, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, Queer Activist, Decolonial Scholar, Advocate for the decriminalization of sex work in South Africa. Senior Atlantic Fellow for Health Equity at Tekano. @lancelouskieter

Featured Articles

The Coloniality of Being: Reflections on Trauma, Othering and Reimagining Praxis

“I think (others do not think, or do not think properly), therefore I am (others are-not, lack being, should not exist or are dispensable) “ (Maldonado-Torres’ critique of French philosopher René Descartes, 2007:252) This well-known quote from Descartes personifies some of the ways that have framed and informed our approaches to global...

Global Health is still the “Master’s House”: how brave are we to decolonise and dismantle it?

Decolonisation is not a metaphor and decoloniality is not an end. Rather, it is a means, a segue, a process, a lens with multiple ends. To advance socially just health systems, we argue for global health scholars (and especially us located in postcolonial contexts) to take a political stance on the side of justice. We need to recognise that we ...

Decolonial thought and African consciousness for socially just health systems: An imaginative space

Decolonizing health in Africa is a conscientization project, historical and political in nature, that calls for a (k)new language and (k)new ways of being as thinkers and practitioners. On the 30th September 2020, 1st and 2nd October 2020, we plan to host a virtual Africa convening  to have a conversation about decoloniality in the broa...

Decentering power in Health Policy and Systems Research: theorising from the margins

The field of Health Policy System Research (HPSR) offers us valuable theorisations and empirical work to guide us on how we can engage with the complex social, economic and political nature of health systems today. However, the field has not been able to fully grapple with theblind spots that are ever present in our reality. This is why we argu...